So, occasionally I'll do some thinking; recently I have been exploring the idea of imagination. It really makes me unhappy that we live in a society where our minds and our imaginations are not exercised. There will be no more great advances in society until people decide to learn for themselves, rather than be taught. If you look back on history, any sort of "scientific" revelation has simply been someone who saw things a little bit differently and wasn't afraid to say it. It takes a special kind of person to think through the BS fed to us by whoever is in charge. Newton must have had a fantastic imagination to come up with his three laws. Firstly, he had to come up with names for all of the principles he discovered and working definitions so as to describe them to his peers and associates. The same is true for visionaries like Henry Ford. One day he sat down and said that he was going to build a metal device that would cart people around. I can only IMAGINE some of the looks he got when describing his plans; and that is a true shame. It's gotten to the point where people are ashamed of guessing wrong in the game of trial and error. People are too afraid to err, so that they won't even try. It upsets me that people mocked BP for attempting to use golf balls to clog the oil spill. So it didn't work, big deal. At least they tried something.
In school, we are taught facts, but no one is taught to learn -- to explore the world outside and make discoveries individually. I'll leave you with this: how many facts would there be if no one had taken the time to sit down and imagine this knowledge? Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it sparked fire and invented the wheel. Bend the paradigm.
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